I specialize in research data management for higher education and nonprofit organizations. I have worked in research data librarianship, science librarianship, and instructional technology for over twenty years, and I focus on small liberal arts colleges and other smaller institutions. I’ve worked with researchers from a wide variety of STEM fields, as well as across other disciplines. I teach library research, technologies for teaching and learning, and research computing.
My degrees are in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry from Yale College (BA), and Library and Information Science from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (MLIS). I am a certified instructor in The Carpentries organization for furthering the computing skills of researchers, and I am a founding member and former executive board member of the New England Software Carpentry Library Consortium (NESCLiC). I am published in JeSLIB, eLife, and College & Research Libraries News; see my ORCID page for full publication list. I am trained in ethnographic techniques for library program assessment, needs assessment for researchers and institutions, and user experience research.