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Indexing Services

I am a member of the American Society for Indexing (ASI), and I’m completing self-study training in the creation of back-of-book and ebook indexes. I’m interested in indexing projects across all STEM fields, and I focus on indexing works in computer science, computing technology, research data management, and data science. I work primarily in CINDEX and Microsoft Word, am familiar with InDesign and LaTeX, and I have two decades of experience working with a variety of scientist and scholars across STEM and other academic fields.

A good back-of-book index complements your table of contents and helps readers and researchers to find what they need in your work, in ways that text searching, Ctrl-F, and machine-generated keyword lists fail them.

Want to get started? Send me a brief description of what you’re looking for, and let’s talk! You can email me at epigenetastic at gmail dot com or contact me through LinkedIn.